Sometimes, an apology just won’t cut it. This is a lesson Microsoft is learning the hard way after console problems affect users.
We thought we’d put such issues behind us after the Microsoft troubles that ground many vital services to a halt a couple of weeks ago.
But no, that was just the beginning.
Xbox fans have been left infuriated at being unable to play their consoles after yet another system problem hits services.
“What’s with the trouble lately?” asked Redditor ItsLCGaming, mirroring the questions we have swirling around our minds too.
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It does seem to be an almost weekly occurrence at this point.
In good ol’ Reddit fashion, Xbox users have much to say, and none of it is pleasant.
Allow darklordjames explain.
Pretending to channel what Microsoft might say if it released a genuine statement, they posted, “Well, see, we built a giant complicated worldwide network. Then we laid off all the people that maintain it so Bob investor can have a fourth yacht and the line can go up."
“Note that this isn't just a Microsoft problem. All the major internet services have had larger amounts of problems over the last year,” they added.
We just hope it was worth it for Bob, whoever Bob is.
While jokes feel like the only thing we have left, all these outages are starting to worry people.
As the OP of the post commented, “There are large outages everywhere which is concerning.”
Not least of all because it’s heavily impacting both our professional and recreational time.
“Can’t wait to unwind from my long day of work where none of my office apps are working to play on Xbox where their services aren’t working,” shared JiveWookiee5.
Xbox owners have had enough.
We dread to think how furious fans will be if another massive outage hits Microsoft in early August.
Topics: Xbox, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, Microsoft