An unlucky Starfield fan seemingly lost their entire save file after their child used their Xbox, don’t worry though there’s a happy ending.
It can be absolutely devastating to devote hundreds of hours to a game only to see it all disappear thanks to a simple mistake or faulty piece of hardware/software. For RPGs like Starfield, it’s 100 times worse as it’s far more difficult to get back to where you once were.
Starfield is currently available for PC and Xbox Series X/S, check it out below!
One unfortunate player learned this the hard way, as their save file mysteriously disappeared after they let their child play on their account.
The tale was recounted by the Reddit user PhonedZero, who said their son had asked if they could download the game on PC using his profile, adding, “I never even gave it a thought.”
Later that evening, the player sat down with their Xbox to continue their intergalactic adventure but only found their son’s new save file. They said, "Needless to say, I was bummed for about a minute, but on the other hand I'm kind of looking forward to a clean slate as there were some things that I missed along the way.”
Now this would be a bittersweet story if it weren’t for a few updates to the post since it originally went live.
Several Starfield fans got in touch with the player, saying that their save file probably isn’t lost, and it just wasn’t visible from the initial start-up menu.
The player reported that after following the instructions and digging around the Load Save option, they found their playthrough intact, and can continue right where they left off.
After thanking people for the help, the father humorously added, “For those suggesting it, he will not be put up for adoption quite yet. He's doing amazing in school, is very helpful around the house and is literally the sweetest kid you could ever meet. He felt really bad but has been informed of the solution and he was pretty relieved!”
You just love to see a happy ending.