Several absolute bangers are dropping on PlayStation Plus Extra this month, so many in fact that it’s hard to even know where to start.
As confirmed in a blog post on the PlayStation website, the games dropping this August include The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Cult of the Lamb, Wild Hearts, Ride 5, Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization, Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet, Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris (jeez how many Sword Art Online games are there?), Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker, Sword Art Online: Last Recollection (at least one more apparently), and Watch Dogs 2.
It's hard to believe TimeSplitters is back, but here it is!
Now, some might be surprised to learn that Watch Dogs 2 didn’t actually get off to the best start when it first released back in 2016.
Others will probably not be surprised to hear that however, given the controversy surrounding the first Watch Dogs game when it dropped in May 2014.
The first Watch Dogs was publisher Ubisoft’s second most pre-ordered game of all time. When discussing pre-orders for Watch Dogs 2 however, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot only referred to it as “disappointing”.
It did go on to eventually sell over 10 million copies though, which is roughly around the same amount the original Watch Dogs sold, so you can hardly say it wasn’t a success.
Likewise, both games went on to receive a roughly similar critical reception, with both games averaging out somewhere in the low 80s on Metacritic.
If anything however, Watch Dogs 2 actually has an ever so slightly lower score when compared to the original game.
Personally, I find that kind of baffling, as Watch Dogs 2 seems like the clearly superior game.
Of course, hindsight is 20/20, so nobody could have predicted that a lot of people would consider the sequel the superior game in the long run.
It is absolutely worth checking out if you never got around to it though, and if you have a PS Plus Extra subscription anyway… the only thing you’re at risk of wasting is your time.
Topics: Watch Dogs, Ubisoft, Playstation Plus