One PlayStation 5 user has revealed a hidden console secret we genuinely didn’t know existed.
Despite the PlayStation 5 coming to the end of its lifecycle, and the release window for the PS6 quietly confirmed, it makes sense that we'd assume we know everything there is to know about this hardware.
But it turns out we still have much to learn.
A Reddit thread revealed that there’s a nifty trick you can do with your PS5 console – you can eject the disc midway through and not lose progress or need to restart from the main menu.
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Not many of us would think to just take out the disc mid-game, but there are some who throw caution to the wind.
To those players, we thank you; we learn something new because of you.
Although we’re surprised by this secret, other PS5 users aren’t as blown away. In fact, they’re adamant it makes sense that you can do this.
“Well, the game would run very slow if it was actually running from the disc,” explained kennyminigun, “The disc is merely a token of your ownership of the game.”
This line of reasoning was seconded by another saying, “Pretty sure its just using the disk to check that you actually own the game/license since you've installed the game to the ps5 hard drive...”
While that makes sense, it’s still quite fascinating to realise you’re able to do this; when purchasing physical media, you don’t expect to be able to play without it.
“I get why everyone thinks this is pointless, but I actually discovered the same thing myself when watching a blu ray movie [...]
“I was pleasantly surprised to see that it didn’t stop the game after I finished the movie, and I was able to pick right back up where I left off,” posted a since deleted user.
You might think this console secret dull, or you might be surprised by it.
Whichever end of the spectrum you sit on, you can’t deny it’s helpful to know you don’t need the disc should it randomly eject while you’re playing.
Topics: PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Sony