Cyberpunk 2077 fans were pleasantly surprised yesterday when it was revealed that an exciting new release was heading on to sale.
If you are anything like me then you will find it a bit too easy to show your love for a game by entering your bank details into the various merchandise sites.
Check out the trailer for Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty below!
From art to figures, soundtracks to stickers, filling your life with a constant reminder of an excellent game is all too easy.
Now a recent release is for the Cyberpunk 2077 fans, especially those who were a fan of Skippy the smartgun.
Found in an alleyway in Heywood, Skippy is an iconic smartgun with a voice-over interface.
The red, yellow and white pistol with ‘Skippy’ engraved on the barrel has two shooting modes: Puppy-Loving Pacifist which only targets enemy’s limbs or Stone Cold Killer which aims for a headshot.
With Skippy’s AI regularly humming the tune to Disturbia by Rihanna, it is quite an interesting weapon to have in your arsenal and now it is available to buy for your real life collection.
The Cyberpunk 2077 Skippy (Blaster with Light-Up Stand) PX Previews Exclusive Replica is now available to pre-order at the Big Bad Toy Store for $104.99.
At quite an investment, the replica comes with Skippy sound effects and various voice lines taken directly from the game.
It is also motorised with a fully automatic mode and includes 5,000 gel beads and protective eyewear.
Although many fans are understandably complaining about the expensive price tag, those interested will have both an impressive collectible to display (or shoot people with) so don’t miss out on the pre-order.
In related Cyberpunk 2077 news, fans have recently discovered a whole new way to approach stealth in the CD Projekt Red title and you are going to wish you had thought of that sooner.
Topics: Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red