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​You Won’t Need An Expensive PC To Play ‘Halo Reach’

​You Won’t Need An Expensive PC To Play ‘Halo Reach’

The Master Chief Collection is shaping up to be the most fully-featured version of the Halo games so far.

Julian Benson

Julian Benson

In 343 Industries' latest update on the progress of the Master Chief Collection for PC and Xbox, the developer has revealed lots of useful information including the minimum requirements to get the game running on PC. Happily, it's not going to be all that demanding, so most gaming PCs will be able to run the classic shooter.

"Halo: Reach for MCC has been played on many configurations and types of PCs ranging from bleeding edge to near potatoes," 343 Industries' community support & engagement coordinator Tyler Davis writes in the update post. "Our goal has been to optimize it to run on the lowest possible specs and we believe we have reached our intended goal." That's not to say that the developer is stopping there. "We are in the process of testing more options with integrated graphics but are not ready to share that information quite yet," Davis continues. "The specs will be slightly different for the Windows Store version as well and will be shared at a later time."

Check out the minimum system requirements below:

You won't need to buy a powerhouse PC to play
You won't need to buy a powerhouse PC to play

The update post is about a lot more than just system requirements, it lists off a huge number of maps that are already playable and are going out to the players in the beta test right now. Maps like Countdown, Boardwalk, Powerhouse, Battle Canyon, and Breakpoint are all in there and modes like Invasion, Firefight Arcade, and Team Hardcore are all in there, too.

Perhaps most impressive are how much custom content will be available for Reach on PC and Xbox. "Back in August, we copied all Xbox 360 legacy Forge content in public file shares which totalled over 6.6 million maps and 2.6 million game types from Halo 3, Halo: Reach, and Halo 4," Davis writes. "This content will become available in MCC once Halo: Reach is released, and the game update is applied to your current Xbox copy of MCC (or upon booting up Halo: Reach on PC for the first time)."

Essentially, if you're planning on getting the Master Chief Collection when it comes to PC, you'll be playing the most complete, fully-featured version of the Halo games that have existed. And, if you're a returning Xbox player, the game's have been given a polish and tuneup to take out all the pain points that were in the Master Chief Collection when it first launched.

This very much sounds like it will tide us over nicely until the release of Halo Infinite next year.

Featured Image Credit: Microsoft

Topics: 343 Industries, Bungie