Hogwarts Legacy isn’t short of spells, like the incredibly fun Unforgivable Curses, but it doesn’t hurt to add a few more with a new mod.
Despite many players believing the game to be “criminally empty”, it hasn’t stopped them from thoroughly investigating everything Hogwarts Legacy has to offer, whether it be hidden details, methods to make quests easier on new playthroughs, and of course, mods.
Enjoy a tour of Hogwarts' four house common rooms below.
For players looking to bolster their combat capabilities, you should look no further than the Spellmaster mod, made by dvcons, which enables six more spells for use when fighting monsters and dark wizards. The mod enables the following spells to be utilised in combat: Confundo, Diffindo Maxima, Obliviate, Pestis Incendium, Petrificus Totalus and Stupefy. Once the mod is installed, players will be able to equip them like any other spell, with each having their own effect on AI opponents.
Pestis Incendium will release a powerful fire attack, similar to the Incendio tornados that some enemies use. Diffindo Maxima is basically Diffindo but with higher range. Stupefy is similar to what you get with a Protego counter-attack, while Obliviate wipes the enemies mind. Confundo will confuse enemies for a short duration and finally, Petrificus Totalus is the same as the stealth attack.
The modding community have been going wild with Hogwarts Legacy since it was released, creating some astounding new gameplay features and additions. From rideable dragon mounts, a wanted-system similar to Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto and Bully games, and even the Sword of Gryffindor as a weapon, a lot of awesome things have been made with modding tools.
Hogwarts Legacy is currently available on Xbox, PlayStation and PC platforms, with a Nintendo Switch version on the way, despite facing several delays to its release.
Topics: Harry Potter, Hogwarts Legacy, Mods