Hogwarts Legacy changes depending on the house that the character chooses, with specific quests for the students in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.
Though I'm not a Harry Potter fan, I could completely see that those magical common rooms might have been the reason why a lot of people purchased the RPG. So far, Hogwarts Legacy has done very well for itself, in spite of the controversies that have trailed behind it, and fans are already seeing it as a game of the year contender. If that sounds slightly early for that sort of talk, Elden Ring was released in late February of last year and that cleaned up at The Game Awards. Anything is possible.
Here are those charming common rooms for your perusal:
Previously, it was revealed that one of Hogwarts' houses would let the player visit Azkaban, the high security prison for magical convicted criminals. I'd erroneously assumed that this would be Slytherin exclusive content as a Slytherin's reputation precedes themselves. Lo and behold, it's something that only Hufflepuff students can access.
Once the player defends an old woman by the side of the Black Lake, the mission will activate as long as they're around or above level six. A portrait of Eldritch Diggory in the Hufflepuff common room will talk to the player and tell them about an unsolved murder. Then, in upper Hogsmeade, Helen Thistlewood will encounter them and apparate the group to Azkaban.
Obviously, if you've chosen Gryffindor, Ravenclaw or Slytherin, there is no way to go to the iconic location. Also, at this point, I am begging for Hogwarts students to stay on the school grounds to avoid loss of life. It would bring the grade boundaries down though.
Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter, Warner Bros