If you’re an avid Pokémon fan, you may remember Mutekimaru the fish. If you’re thinking, Kate, what are you talking about? Allow me to explain. Mutekimaru is a streaming goldfish who, back in 2020, managed to complete Pokémon Ruby after a whopping 3,000 hours. I swear I’m telling the truth.
Mutekimaru’s tank has a grid on the back wall and each square of the grid is mapped to a button, i.e. A, B, up, down, left, and right. A camera then tracks the fish’s movement and inputs the correlating move into Pokémon Ruby. It was a slow start. Mutekimaru took 35 minutes to set the clock in the opening stages of the game. I don’t know about you but I’m impressed that the fish even finished the game. Well, the fish is once again hitting the headlines. This time though, it leaked its owner's credit card information.
Have you dived into Pokémon Scarlet and Violet yet? Check out our review below.
As reported by Dexerto, Mutekimaru has messed up big time. During a recent Pokémon Scarlet & Violet stream, Mutekimaru accidentally crashed the game after entering a sandstorm on the outskirts of Cascarraffa. The problem is, Mutekimaru’s movements continued to be mapped as inputs and the fish navigated its way to the Nintendo eShop.
Here, the fish ‘read’ the Terms of Service before later finding its way onto a page which exposed its owner’s credit card information. Oh dear, oh my. There’s more. The fish then committed credit card fraud after it purchased 500 yen. As Dexerto points out, the fish also downloaded the Nintendo 64 library. The fish has taste at least.
It’s a happy ending. Nintendo refunded the money that Mitekimaru spent and the fish is now continuing on with its Pokémon Scarlet & Violet playthrough.