After almost 10 years, we’re still discovering new gameplay features when roaming the Wasteland.
This particular trick was discovered by iamergo, and shared on r/fo4.
“Been playing for almost 10 years, and I'm just learning that you can knock conditioners off their brackets and frames with explosions and gunfire,” revealed the OP.
You might be wondering why this information is useful, like other Fallout fans have questioned.
Not only does it seem that knocking these units off might cause serious damage to an unsuspecting NPC, but there’s also said to be treasure hiding inside them. Well, some of them, at the very least.
You'll soon be able to play as a ghoul in Fallout 76.
“They occasionally have things inside them,” kait_1291 explained. “I don't remember what, but I have looted two at least.”
As Komachi17 joked, “Keep firing at 'em – one's gonna drop a caps stash eventually.”
Even though you might not always score big by destroying public property, those who can’t help but explore every inch of a map now have even more areas to search.
Returning to the question of whether this neat trick can harm enemies, the OP isn’t certain but suspects you can.
However, they also believe that the damage caused will be minimal.
They commented, “That is a good question. A question that requires further testing. My assumption would be yes, but the damage can't be that great, since the ac can't really reach a good enough velocity on its short way down.”
When war never changes, we learn to fight any way we can. An air conditioner falling on someone’s head might not kill them, but it’s going to sting like hell.
Before you start shooting at every ac unit in sight, as the OP mentioned further down in the comments, not every unit can be destroyed.
The next time you visit a settlement and spy one of these just chilling on the side of a building, why not unleash your destructive side.
You never know, you may find something of interest lurking within.