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Everything You Need To Know From The 50 Minute 'Death Stranding' Demo

Everything You Need To Know From The 50 Minute 'Death Stranding' Demo

Hideo Kojima has shown off a massive chunk of 'Death Stranding', we've picked through it for all the major details.

Julian Benson

Julian Benson

Lots of important details about Death Stranding are coming out of the Tokyo Game Show demo. For instance, did you know in Death Stranding, not only can you pee out in the wild to grow a massive mushroom, one that other players can pee on in their games, but there are toilets which you can choose to use standing up and sitting down. Truly, we're moving into a new generation of gaming here, people.

The 50 minute gameplay demo showed off a lot more than Norman Reedus' bodily functions. You can watch the whole video below (or if you're reading on mobile here), or read our summary of the presentation:

The video begins with Hideo Kojima getting Reedus ready for his expedition. Everything that Reedus takes he has to physically carry on his body. So that means there are physical weight and space limits. However, Reedus' mission is to deliver supplies to a distant human settlement. Your backpack is customisable so you can slot on extra containers to increase your carry limit - though this will increase the weight of what you're carrying. There does seem to be a lot of hiking simulation in this, too, with you able to carry spare boots and walking gear. It's like Hideo Kojima heard about the current state of walking sims and decided to show the world what a real walking sim would be like.

Kojima guides Reedus out of the base and into the wild highlands. They do look like they come straight out of Scotland, with vibrant green grasses and moss covering the terrain. Kojima heads straight towards a mountainous ridge and begins climbing. He uses the extendable ladder and a set of climbing ropes to cross crevasses and descend cliffs.

Kojima also showed off a bit of baby care. As day turns to night, he sits Norman down and has him play the harmonica to the baby he had strapped to his chest. Then he performed a little self-care and massaged his own shoulders

Go to sleep, my pretty baby
Go to sleep, my pretty baby

Later in the demo, Kojima shows Reedus finding a cargo container that holds two bits of gear that will help you carry even more equipment - an exoskeleton and a floating carrier. The first increases your carry limit and the second is a sort of trolley that floats behind you which you can load up with boxes. Alternatively, it can be used as a floating skateboard.

Death Stranding's combat was also on show. Reedus infiltrated a camp where he sneaked up on people and strangled them with a cable. He also used a bola gun to incapacitate enemies. The rifle fired out cables that wrapped around the target's legs, dropping them to the ground.

Besides the floating skateboard, you can also hijack the enemies' vehicles. Though presumably they aren't great for navigating the rocky terrain of the world.

Don't get on the wrong side of Reedus
Don't get on the wrong side of Reedus

In the second half of the demo, Kojima shows off one of the ruined cities. Whereas the countryside was a lovely highlands green, the city is a drab grey. All smashed concrete and rusting metals. The cities are inhabited by strange floating shadowy figures. Reedus shoots them them with the bola gun, same as the humans from earlier. Though it doesn't seem to do much to slow them down.

There's something much more dangerous in the city, though. Reedus gets grabbed by an invisible hunter and then dragged to an oily alternate version of the city. An ocean of oily water has filled the streets - cars and even buildings bob on the water. There the creature is revealed as a tentacle-y wildcat. The thing stalks him and Kojima tries to drive it off with grenades. They aren't super effective.

Things get a tad weirder when out of the oily water appears a white plastic man who throws bags of blood to Norman Reedus. Yeah, quite strange.

Following the battle, Reedus finds a natural hot spring and goes for a bath. After washing off the battle he leaves a map marker so other players can find the spring in future.

Here's a good a kitty
Here's a good a kitty

Not far from the hot spring, Kojima finds a motorbike which he rides most of the way to an inhabited human settlement. There he delivers the packages he's been carrying and has a well-deserved shower.

A little while back I wrote an article critical of Sony for not showing off more of Death Stranding, saying that it was a recipe to disappoint fans who ended up buying a game that didn't much resemble their expectations. After this chunky gameplay demo, I'm left much more excited for Death Stranding - it gives an idea of the scale and limits of the game. It's not a set of abstract trailers any more but a tangible game. It's very much an open world game where you play a delivery man and fight monsters along the way.

Bring on November 8.

Featured Image Credit: Sony

Topics: Death Stranding, Kojima Productions, PlayStation 4